Sunday, August 15, 2010

Not all that

Sooooo - it's the day after the night after a degustation at ... dant ta na na ta na NAAAAAAAA - Jackson's.  which you would think would be ALL THAT but, surprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly, it really wasn't.  and i feel a bit wanky even writing about it - it's a bit of a cliche to go to Jacksons for the dego (as they call it).  I've been once before, years ago and we had a strange experience - our waiter was weird and quit in the middle of service and i can't tell you anything about the food apart from the dessert that we had which blew my mind.  last nite was much the same.  i was waiting for the flash of brilliance or whimsey - and there were a couple - one was a little between courses amuse - it was a little pastisse dusted with icing sugar and filled with lamb and drizzled with pesto - that was really really good, as was the amuse bouche at the very start, a very thomas keller - esque cone of delights involving a sorbet and some anchovies - sounds hideous, but made me think that the meal would be one to remember.  sadly not.  the food was definitely a bit hit and miss:

Hit: the pork belly sort of banh mi, the squid and scallop risotto, the two amuse bouche, the wine's, my NOjito, the desserts, the toilets, sitting for 5 hours with good buds
Miss: the sea bass and tasmanian salmon, oyster and champagne sauce (bland), rabbit (tough, tasteless, prosciutto overcooked), the emptied bread basket that sat in the middle of the table for half the meal and wasn't refilled), the detritus of the meal that just sat there
hit and miss:  the roast beef with yorkshire pudding (beef tender, yorkshire pudding verging on burnt)

would i go again?  not on your nelly.

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