Monday, July 11, 2011

Is Perth growing up?

I went to a mate's 30th birthday dinner the other night.  She and her girlfriend had chosen a hotel where we were going to have dinner - the Rose and Crown in Guildford - and I must admit my heart sank when they told me where we were going.   My imagination went straight to the bad, overpriced food place - as it turned out, there was no need.  The Rose and Crown turned out to have a perfectly fine menu with a bunch of well-priced options, good variety, good service, decent dessert and good coffee (and a couple of really inviting fires - always a way to get me in).  But it made me wonder why I reacted the way I did.  I know I wasn't the only one who felt this way, in the car in the way home we all agreed that it had surpassed our expectations.  Now if this was Melbourne I don't think I would have had that reaction - hotels are not necessarily synonymous with bad food in Melbourne, in fact, it's probably the complete opposite.  But Perth often has a bit of the hit and miss about it.  I've been to a lot of hotels where the food is over thought, overambitious and often turns out to be just plain bad.  When combined with shit service and +++ prices this can add up to a frustratingly bad night.  Especially when you venture away from the city.  It's like teenagers pretending to be grownups:  trying too hard; and a bit pretentious.  But something occurred to me as I started writing this - am I like an adult looking at a teenager - guilty of seeing them as they've always been..refusing to see that they're growing into something else.. growing up?  Perhaps Perth is growing into itself and I don't want to see it. 

What do you think?


  1. That's good to hear! I reck Melbs does exceptional pub food for the most part. Amps and I often fret about where we'll eat when we move back!

  2. Yeah I think the reality falls somewhere in between - Perth is changing but there is still overpriced overambitious food - it's funny, the more high end wine bars like 399 and Clarences do parma and pint type stuff REALLY well and the lower end places do the pretentious stuff!! It's so weird!

  3. There's less competition too, I guess. I mean, how many nice pubs are there in Guildford? I'm guessing one, which means you'll eat their food regardless of whether it's fantastic or not.
